Our Projects

Join Us with Our Projects

SPACM is a non-political, non-religious, non-governmental and non-profit National level society, established in 2015 and based in Universty of Haripur. SPACM had successsfuly conducted more then 200+ event more then 100+ worshops in just 4 years since this holy mission begins.

We campaign for vulnerable children and young for sustaiable devolpment in society. Young People across the Paistan join Hand with us to adopt sustainable measures to eradicate all forms of racial, ethnic, linguistic, political and religious bigotry through peace, love, respect, tolerance and through culture.There are our few listed ongoing Projects with participation of youth and students in establishing a peaceful and democratic society.

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Current Projects

To ensure our work has the biggest impact, we look at all the angles when it comes to tackling inequality like racial, ethnic, linguistic, political and religious. We support a broad range of projects that help to sustainable impact and Youth able to stand up for their rights and influence change. We know that collaboration is vital in bringing about lasting change, which is why we bring some of experienced Influencer Volunteer, scholars, educationist, to strengthen our project values.

Project 1 Orientation of Madrassa Students

Society for Peace & Conflicit Management embarked different worshop's for University Madrasah Interaction Program to bring the madrasah students closer to the students of the mainstream educational institutions through a series of different seminar's, visits, Worshops.to enhance the mutual understaning between Madrsah student & University organizes different debate's relating different topics, and Sports exercises between them to interact with eachother positivily and to stand side by side for the betterment for progressive and developed Pakistan

Building interfaith Harmony and Understanding

Our world continues to be beset by conflict and intolerance with rising number of refugees and the internally displaced in a hostile and unwelcoming world around them. We are also unfortunately witnessing messages of hate spreading discord among people. The need for spiritual guidance has never been greater.Society for Peace and Conflict Management orgnized a series of Programms regarding interfaith Harmony on world Harmony Day . A Hindu , a Christian, a Sikh and a Muslim schlor was invited to enlighten our faculty and students of peaceful co-existence and religious harmony and mutual respect.

University Certification Program

our Certification Project helps to demonstrate knowledge and organizational skills for developing more streamlined operations. Since its launch in 2017, more than 600 professionals from Across the Pakistan have earned the Certification.Universty Certification Programs aimed for Different Madrassa Student, Teachers, Police officiers aim to deliver Self Awareness as a Teacher, Learning and Development, Critical Thinking, Diversity and Human Rights, Conflict and Conflict Resolution, Classroom Management, Lesson Planning, Research Methodology, it allows the professional to understand the fact that they can do same job but in different way.